lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2012

Permanent makeup Yes or no? -Los Andes (Argentina)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The so-called permanente? or facial micropigmentaci?n ?maquillaje s?lo is not an opci?n est?tica for the female universe, but tambi?n, an alternative for many women who suffer from different causes, alg?n type of alopecia. From the perspective of health, Marina Siccardi, m?dica dermat?loga dermatol?gica, explains this change est?tico to which many women point; the potentiality of the treatment, but tambi?n their care. A ping-pong of questions to get you all the doubts.

Strokes on your face

To understand what we are talking about it, is worth defining qu? is ?maquillaje permanente?. The professional answers.

Do-?A qu? is called micropigmentaci?n?

-Its or?genes go back to prehistoric times and is derived from the t?cnica of the tattoo. It is the pigments espec?ficos, epidermis and superficial dermis incorporaci?n. While the t?cnica develops from the tattoo, it is different.

-?C?mo ser?a in each case?

-In the tattoo the purpose is decorative and his implantaci?n is in the dermis. In the micropigmentaci?n the purpose is decorative and corrective (implantaci?n in epidermis, with light derm?grafo, less tama?o part?culas pigments, colors natural m?s). There is a degradaci?n of the colour over time.

-?C?mo is the procedure?

-The t?cnica is the introducci?n of pigments. This requires fine needles, connected to a derm?grafo to the microimplantaci?n of the pigment to a depth of 0.8/1.6 mm. m?xima and peque?as Anesthesia can be placed to minimize the pain t?pica.
Do-?En qu? part of the face can be done?

-You can improve and correct the l?neas that form the contours of the face. For example: populate eyebrows who for different reasons have been alop?cicas (scars, stress, excessive tracci?n by traumatizaci?n); redefine the contour of the lips (cleft lip, or lack of definici?n), eyes (camouflage scars, vitiligo, burned skin, eyebrows p?rdida), discrom?as.

Do-?Qu? tones are commonly used?

-The used pigments are insoluble org?nicos and inorg?nicos. Est?n not allowed of vegetable or animal origin as the henna. These pigments are mixed to obtain the desired colors. As for the disadvantages of the pigments inorg?nicos is their colors are bright and intense, and the beige and white have in your composici?n ?xido of titanium and zinc with difficulty to be eliminated. The org?nicos are at greater risk of migration, are composed of carbon; causing risk of reactions al?rgicas m?s. The professional must know the colors that work with and know qu? pigments can or do not mix between s?.

Do-?C?mo is chosen according to skin color?

-In dark skins are used intense color ranges, as for example in the eyebrows is reached using pure black. In clear skins very dark tones should be avoided because they do not harmonize and harden the factions.

-?Cu?les are the causes for which a person resorts to this t?cnica?

-T?cnica allows you to modify, rebalance, correct, beautify facial and body features. It helps many people requiring operations or accidents, perform reconstructions; as in the case of the mastectom?as due to breast c?ncer: reconstructs the areola, or increases or mammary disminuci?n periareolar scars can camouflage. As? as people who have vitiligo, cleft lip, alopecia emerging (not is ?til where the area of baldness is very obvious), or burned skin.

-?Y in the eyebrows?

-Seeks to correct your tama?o, posici?n, making them thick or redise?ar form. There are two t?cnicas: one that fills with color all the eyebrow looking marked m?s; and the other that draws hair by hair using two or three colors of the same key in degrad?. Highly recommended where missing a part of the eyebrow or to disguise a scar.

Do-?C?mo works in the p?rpados?

-The outline is done on the top and bottom part with the thickness and color of preference. It can shade with a color m?s or light just where it ends part m?vil of the p?rpado. Irregularities are modified on the lips, and are profiled by checking the ?ngulo of Cupid. You can enlarge or reduce your tama?o, since there is a wide range of colours, always evaluating the hue that is natural.

-Hard time ?Cu?nto?

-After the cellular renovaci?n is perder? the intensity after 2 to 4 a?os. In dry or very aged skins, you can last from 4 to 5 a?os; contrary to j?venes skins and very fat, may disappear soon.

Do-?Se can take Sun in the face?

-It is not recommended.

Do-?Qu? care must be taken into account to protect the procedure?

-During the 7 following the procedure d?as is you must daily hygiene, not to assault, scratch, rub, or remove crusts. Avoid saunas, swimming pools and beach and apply factor of solar protecci?n. Anal?a of the trowel -

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